Update Schedule

There was once an update schedule. It lived a good life, a peaceful life. A quiet life. But then... things began to change. It became more and more erratic, sometimes completely disobeying its very reason for existance. And at last, the update schedule could take no more. It cast off its chains and went free, seeking new lands where it would be appreciated. This message it left where once it had lived, to warn other schedules of the peril.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Review: Airhead

Airhead by Meg Cabot

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This book was extremely mediocre- right up until Lulu's speech. That was brilliant. An inspiration to teenage girls everywhere. And completely ridiculous. But definitely a good thing to have read while in one of my lower self-confidence moments.
The ending was a bit annoying, since it didn't really get anywhere. I'll have to read more of them.
Why does Meg Cabot do this to me?

View all my reviews

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