Update Schedule

There was once an update schedule. It lived a good life, a peaceful life. A quiet life. But then... things began to change. It became more and more erratic, sometimes completely disobeying its very reason for existance. And at last, the update schedule could take no more. It cast off its chains and went free, seeking new lands where it would be appreciated. This message it left where once it had lived, to warn other schedules of the peril.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Review: The Gunslinger

The Gunslinger The Gunslinger by Stephen King
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Meh. I think Stephen King- much as he loves to deny it- would really have benefited from an outline here.
Also, I know he did finish the series, but his afterword basically says "no, I don't know what just happened either, I probably won't finish this, and I don't really care." Not inspiring me to read the next one, especially since I've heard that the series' ending is bad.
I really liked 'Salem's Lot, but I think I should have left my Stephen King reading at that.

View all my reviews

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