It's kind of been forever since I last updated this. Sorry about that. I hope someone's still reading it.
I've been really busy doing things such as finishing all of geometry in eight days (although, come to think of it, that's not really an excuse since it only took me eight days). Anyway, I've read quite a few books in the interim, so it's time for another of those long multi-review posts.
1. The Clockwork Scarab by Colleen Gleason

I kind of want to compliment the cover... but not really. Sherlock Holmes' niece plus Bram Stoker's sister plus time travel is the sort of combination that you can't really get wrong even if you do it terribly, and luckily this was actually pretty good. Ridiculous, of course, but good.
I'm going to stick the sequel in early because it's silly to separate them:
2. The Spiritglass Charade by Colleen Gleason

This one was fun. I actually want the third. The only thing I don't like about it is that I don't read ghost books and I wish that the author had chosen a different plot, but there are very few ghosts in it, so it wasn't a big deal. Also, this book is worth it just for Grayling saving the puppy.
3. The Darkest Part of the Forest by Holly Black

I really liked this book. It was just a good book. I'm not a big fan of faeries, because a lot of the time authors cheat with them and start writing really vaguely instead of coming up with a proper ending, but luckily that wasn't a problem with this book. So... yeah. Great book.
4. Mind Games by Kiersten White

Apparently this book was originally called Sister Assassin. Which is a terrible title, especially for this book. So let's all take a moment to be thankful that they changed it.
Anyway, another good book. I even sort of liked the ending.
5. The Changeling Prince by Vivian Vande Velde

I have a lot of respect for that name, by the way. Especially since it's apparently her real one.
So, I was at the library getting all those other books, and I saw this clearly misshelved little fantasy paparback amid all the YA dystopian stuff. So, of course, I dumped all my other books on the table and read this one instead of picking out more. And, luckily, this book was pretty good.
There isn't much to say about it. It's not the sort of book you purposefully read. It pretty much exists to be randomly found, read out of curiosity, and surprise people with how actually pretty good it is.
6. Okay, I can't even do it. Yes, I finally read Pride and Prejudice. There, I admit it, okay? I've been reading every YA novel I can find for years, with every single one of their references, and I understood not a single one.
And yes, it was really good. And I should have read it before. Happy?
I may be just slightly overly defensive about this considering that I doubt anyone else cares. Moving on.
7. Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo

Oh, God, I actually wrote a review and originally gave it three stars. Not changing the stars, but here's the review:
So, this book was interesting. It was surprisingly okay, which I didn't expect. I spot no gaping plot holes aside from the absurd ending, but even that was less absurd than most YA endings (actually, I've discovered I really just detest book endings... so I've probably been unfair to everyone else. Also, this will be an issue for me as an author...) The main character was shockingly unlikable while excellently characterized. She was very real, I just hated her. Which made the book a bit less fun, because I really disliked everything she did and every thought she had, even though I was able to understand her.
The ending was silly, have I mentioned? There were so many better ways to do it. Of course, there were worse ways too, so I'll just leave at meh.
The twist reminded me a bit of the twist from The Ring and the Crown. As in I felt the book would have been stronger without the twist, although this one was much better than the aforementioned one (although that book was way better). But then, I hate pretty much all twists, too (except that one in the second Fifth Wave. Yay Rick Yancey.)
The love interest was also very unlikeable. Grumpy and annoying, mostly. And the main character (Alina! That's her name.) kept whining about how manly he'd become, but I think that's because she acts like a two-year-old around him. And the one time he stoops to her level they get robbed and nearly killed, so I'm not sure what she was complaining about.
The Darkling was weird. Actually, he was the most likeable one, but strange. I shan't say any more because of spoilerness.
Now, to my main complaint: the Grisha. I actually have just one major question, following which I will and this review and leave you to ponder:
Where are the Broccoli Summoners?
The ending was silly, have I mentioned? There were so many better ways to do it. Of course, there were worse ways too, so I'll just leave at meh.
The twist reminded me a bit of the twist from The Ring and the Crown. As in I felt the book would have been stronger without the twist, although this one was much better than the aforementioned one (although that book was way better). But then, I hate pretty much all twists, too (except that one in the second Fifth Wave. Yay Rick Yancey.)
The love interest was also very unlikeable. Grumpy and annoying, mostly. And the main character (Alina! That's her name.) kept whining about how manly he'd become, but I think that's because she acts like a two-year-old around him. And the one time he stoops to her level they get robbed and nearly killed, so I'm not sure what she was complaining about.
The Darkling was weird. Actually, he was the most likeable one, but strange. I shan't say any more because of spoilerness.
Now, to my main complaint: the Grisha. I actually have just one major question, following which I will and this review and leave you to ponder:
Where are the Broccoli Summoners?
So that was fun. Good ending note, actually. Until I realize I haven't updated this in months, then.
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