So, for reasons known only to itself, my automatic posting isn't working again. As such, there will probably be batch reviews every Sunday until it starts working again.
Oh, and I was feeling kind of soft-hearted after the whole WoT thing, so I think I gave all of these 3 stars. What can I say? Maybe they were just good.
Oh, not wait, I've returned to decimals. Proceed at risk of your brain exploding (kidding, I rounded to the nearest tenth this time).
So, first is A Memory of Light, plus a minor freak-out:
Actually, the ending kind of sucked and I've had to write to the author asking for clarification (I know, it's embarassing), but still, epicness.

I can't believe I'm finished. There were so many of them, I honestly didn't believe they'd end. Now what do I do with my life?
So, this book. I honestly don't remember anything of it but the final battle (I'm sure tons of stuff happened, that's just where my main focus was). The final battle was suitable epic. I think Gawyn didn't get the credit he deserved, and I'm not fond of Galad's lack of character development. I also don't like the characters where we don't know what happened. And mostly, the Asmodean thing bugs me.
Okay, so I turned to Google and apparently it's insinuated (very, very vaguely) that Graendal killed him (although her Wiki page says it much more confidently, so perhaps I'm missing something?). I don't like that though, because why did he think she was dead? Maybe there's just things I don't remember from all those books ago. Also, of all the Forsaken to kill off randomly and permanently... I LIKED Asmodean.
Anyway, the final battle was epic. The ending ending... meh. I wish authors could just let go. And it was all so... vague. I don't really understand the ending, but maybe that's just me. I was good until the very end, though, so maybe it really just doesn't make sense.
I'm not thrilled with the choice of who lives and who dies. There's one or two good decisions, but for the most part the main characters are preserved for no particular reason. And (spoiler!) I will never, ever forgive whichever author killed off Bela. She is the backbone of the entire series. She at least deserved an epic death scene.
I can't believe I'm finished. There were so many of them, I honestly didn't believe they'd end. Now what do I do with my life?
So, this book. I honestly don't remember anything of it but the final battle (I'm sure tons of stuff happened, that's just where my main focus was). The final battle was suitable epic. I think Gawyn didn't get the credit he deserved, and I'm not fond of Galad's lack of character development. I also don't like the characters where we don't know what happened. And mostly, the Asmodean thing bugs me.
Okay, so I turned to Google and apparently it's insinuated (very, very vaguely) that Graendal killed him (although her Wiki page says it much more confidently, so perhaps I'm missing something?). I don't like that though, because why did he think she was dead? Maybe there's just things I don't remember from all those books ago. Also, of all the Forsaken to kill off randomly and permanently... I LIKED Asmodean.
Anyway, the final battle was epic. The ending ending... meh. I wish authors could just let go. And it was all so... vague. I don't really understand the ending, but maybe that's just me. I was good until the very end, though, so maybe it really just doesn't make sense.
I'm not thrilled with the choice of who lives and who dies. There's one or two good decisions, but for the most part the main characters are preserved for no particular reason. And (spoiler!) I will never, ever forgive whichever author killed off Bela. She is the backbone of the entire series. She at least deserved an epic death scene.
It's weird, but I don't really feel like ranting about it. It's over. It was awesome. I'm not sure I'll ever find the like of Wheel of Time again.
Oh, yeah, and the quotes at the end were awesome. Not because they were good (they sucked in terms of writing), but because the author played by the rules.
Let me just say: I really liked this book. It had an overall feeling of being polished (aside from the weird rant), and ending (not the weird rant, the actual ending) was amazing. Plus, the author capitalized hell, so points all around. Actually, I think I summarized my entire review right there...

Actually, really good. My only complaint is the ending "twist"; the author gets very carried away and I think the story would have been stronger without it. Points for capitalizing Hell. The ending was great.
Actually, really good. My only complaint is the ending "twist"; the author gets very carried away and I think the story would have been stronger without it. Points for capitalizing Hell. The ending was great.
I am a cover hater, but this one's actually quite beautiful.
Oh. Human voices. Actually, that makes no sense. It was better with the barcode covering it.

Fine. I think better than Matched. Nothing amazing about it, but it wasn't terrible, either. [And apparently that's all I had to say... and I can't think of anything else. So I guess it's utterly unremarkable.]
Fine. I think better than Matched. Nothing amazing about it, but it wasn't terrible, either. [And apparently that's all I had to say... and I can't think of anything else. So I guess it's utterly unremarkable.]
Can I just rant for a moment? Yes? Good. WHAT KIND OF AUTHOR PUTS IN FIREFLY BUT DOESN'T MENTION DR. WHO, SUPERNATURAL, OR SHERLOCK (EVEN THOUGH SHE MENTIONS SHERLOCK HOLMES)??? I mean, I'm not even a TV fan, but that's just bad research. And we're going to pretend my caps lock key was stuck. It's 2 AM, okay?
Oh, and points for an author who completely gets my fascination with airplanes.

I'm not really into romance books unless they're cute (I hate ones that try to stick romance in as a main plot point for no reason). This one was suitably adorable, and I liked it. There were a lot of moments that really resonated with me. The ending was eye-roll-inducing, but also really sweet.2.6/3
I'm not really into romance books unless they're cute (I hate ones that try to stick romance in as a main plot point for no reason). This one was suitably adorable, and I liked it. There were a lot of moments that really resonated with me. The ending was eye-roll-inducing, but also really sweet. I'm not really into romance books unless they're cute (I hate ones that try to stick romance in as a main plot point for no reason). This one was suitably adorable, and I liked it. There were a lot of moments that really resonated with me. The ending was eye-roll-inducing, but also really sweet.2.6/3
So, yay. That's this week's four (actually, they're last weeks' four; I'm a bit behind in writing reviews). Sorry the reviews are so short, I'm not sure what happened there. I hope to get the auto-posting thing fixed soon.