Perfect by
Natasha Friend My rating:
2 of 5 stars 2/3
It had its good bits, but for the most part wasn't great. Longer review when I'm not on my phone.
Bonus complaint: why is it that when people transliterate Hebrew they capitalize it? Shamash is not actually a proper noun. It should be italicized.
Full review to come (I should really start keeping a list of reviews I've labeled this way while without my laptop...)
Okay, here goes:
So, first, the way the author made it all Jewish-y toward the end. What was with that? Did she want to show off her bracha knowledge? (It was, admittedly, accurate, except that I have a few punctuation quibbles). It was a sweet way to end, just... odd. I could complain more, but those complaints are unnecessary and unfair to the author, so I won't.
Next... yay, it was bulimia! I looked at it and said "boring anorexia novel", but no, it was bulimia. So there was a tiny surprise there.
I don't like how vague her dad's death is. All we know is he died unexpectedly (but not in an accident; she says they didn't know he was sick.) It made me feel a little off-balance.
I think the book was written in 2004. I don't know about you, but I don't remember teenagers talking like that in 2004. The turn of phrases were weird, when they should have been familar.
The little sister was strange. So was everyone else.
Not a memorable or particularly good or bad book. It had some moments where I really felt the author knew her subject, so that was good.
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