Were you to exist, you'd also notice that I haven't posted very much recently. Sorry about that as well- I'm a bit busy. So, here's some stuff that I would have turned into full-length posts were I to have the time:
I've been reading:

The plot is kind of strange- I didn't altogether get what was so important about the election, but that was really mostly background, so it was okay. Like with Harry Potter (except about one hundred times more extreme), J.K. Rowling created characters I can't imagine liking (kill... Fats... kill), and yet by the end I really cared about them. I didn't like this book when I started it, but now I'm mostly just in shock from the ending.
This isn't really my kind of book. But it was an excellent reminder that J.K. Rowling can write.
Warning: This is not a happy book. At all. It's a book about tragic characters in a snooty and deeply troubled little town, almost all of whom are completely miserable by the end.
This is also nothing like Harry Potter. Which I actually liked- Harry Potter is over, and I enjoy seeing authors branch out. Okay, I never would have read this (or finished it) if it hadn't said J.K. Rowling on the front cover (which, by the way, is ugly and just awful). I felt I owed her something for Harry Potter, and it was well written.
Don't expect a murder mystery, either. Or even an ending (I made the mistake of assuming there would be a final conclusive ending- there isn't. At all).
And then there's the profanity. I kind of see what she was trying to do, but she also used the f-word more times than I have seen since Game of Thrones. Actually, if you added it up, her book just might contain as much swearing as the entire Game of Thrones series, which is pretty impressive.
And all of this swearing and sex and smoking and doing drugs and drinking served no purpose when done by teenagers (view spoiler), or even by Terri. Yeah, they're lower class (speaking of which, what's with the dialect? Okay, they're at the bottom of the social and economical scales, but you're writing a book. Surely you could have gone entire sentences that I didn't need to pause to translate.), but does lower class and drugged= insane amount of profanity? And if so, does it need to be on-screen?
Now I sound stuck-up. I (hope) that I'm not. But the amount of swearing and casual sex between teenagers seemed excessive to me.
So... yeah, not my cup of tea (never understood that saying). Harry Potter fans will probably be disappointed.